The New Negotiator Training Program
The new negotiator training program is offered in-house only - During the 5 modules, participants will gain:
- Solid knowledge and training in using artificial intelligence (AI) in workplace negotiations and in advising others who need to conduct their own local negotiations.
- A wide range of practical negotiation skills to handle more complex negotiation processes and assist others in negotiating both day-to-day and in longer-term contexts.
- Theoretical and practical insights into various types of workplace negotiations – from one-on-one negotiations to larger, more complex negotiations, both face-to-face and online.
- Insights into theories, literature, and ideas – both Danish and international – about negotiation and the facilitation of negotiations in different contexts, with AI as the invisible assistant, etc.
- Networking opportunities with other participants whose daily lives and challenges resemble your own, and from whom you can receive and give advice.
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Vil du styrke din organisations forhandlingskompetencer og lære at bruge kunstig intelligens (AI) som jeres usynlige assistent i forhandlinger? Skriv efter yderligere oplysninger om det grundige og inspirerende forløb.